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Who We Are
Advocacy for Social Inclusion and Girls’ Education, commonly called “ASIGE” is in to break the cycle of poverty by empowering rural women with sustainable skills for their livelihood. ASIGE is a people and planet first organisation, certified by by Social Entreprise World Forum.
ASIGE is a member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) and also a member of ASBN
Existed from 2014 till date
Launched in 2017, ASIGE produces handcrafted wares and fashion accessories intricately woven by rural women primarily for export. The venture is currently registered as a company limited by guarantee and is headquartered in Sumbrungu in the Upper East Region of Ghana. In addition, ASIGE run social programmes such as vocational skills training, reproductive health education and sanitary pads production. These programmes provide opportunities for young people to gain skills and knowledge for growth and community development.
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